Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hot Guy Names

Writing a NY Times bestselling novel isn't easy. If it was I'd have cranked a few out by now. Alas, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, creativity and inspiration. And if there's a YA romance, you need a hot leading male for tweens to drool over. Whether he be of the supernatural persuasion or boy-next-door persona, His name must elicit shrieks and squeals. Let's face it, "Team Ned" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "Team Edward."

 Mass adoration never happened for a "Hal." "Bob" doesn't make me weak in the knees. And nobody's swooning for "Herbert." The only geek I can think of making the ladies crazy is "Fredward" from iCarly.

 I'll admit it's totally my guilty pleasure! Nickelodeon has such a way with innuendos and random hilarity. Nathan Kress plays the tech-savvy, awkward geek. A role that's hard to maintain now that he's lost his baby fat, bulked up into some nice muscle and looks like this:

He's no Disney star (i.e. Zac Efron) and it's a slight creep factor that he's a year younger than my little brother, but that still places him at a solid 18 so I can legally call him a cutie. 

I digress.

So on a rampant Internet search for a great Hot Guy Name for my leading man, I thoughtfully google search key phrases such as "Hot Guy Names" and discover this gem of an article: 

Now, they could mean "hot" as in popular at this point in time. But after reviewing the list, it seems most of these are great names for characters so dream-worthy they make you want to drop your real BF and find a werewolf to call your own. In case you are wondering, I chose "Chase" and "Blaze" which showed up on these lists. My other character "Riley" did not appear, however, I still think it's a very sexy name. Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised to see my husband's name, Bryce, show up not once, but twice! 

..• Bas
• Brody
• Blaine
• Blaze
• Bry
• Blade
• Bryce
• Brent
• Blaine
• Beau
• Bryce
• Brad
• Bram
• Brody
• Braylon
• Brock

Anybody have a Hot Guy Name they would like to share before I name off all my characters? Should I re-name "Riley?" Any input is greatly appreciated!


  1. Hi,
    I too am trying to write a novel and successfully written over 200 pages worth of story. Although sadly I had to combine all three books in the series to make it that much, but anyway, I'm 12 and have found a few names that work:

    Ian, Trevor, Ryan, Jack, Austin, Hayden, Chase(as well) Ethant or Ethan, Gavin, Charles, Mark, Levi, Oliver (nickname Ollie) Elijah, Christian, Blake & Blaine.
    I hope that helped!:)

  2. OOh! I love those names. Those are some great ideas! Good luck on your novel. If you need any assistance, I can help answer questions on processes that have worked for me. =)
