Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Happen in Vegas Stays in Vegas....

....Unless I post all the sordid details HERE!

Celebrated a friend's 25th birthday in Las Vegas this weekend. I am so exhausted and partied out but it was one of the best weekends ever! Sad thing is, I didn't even participate in all the activities.

Started off Friday night with a celebration dinner at PF Chang's. All-You-Can-Drink for 2 hours, tons of appetizers and entrees. Now, I had worked all day before dinner and then we spent the night drinking and gambling so it was a long 24 hours.

Let's meet some of the players:

Birthday Boy Alan planned the whole night. He is the ultimate event coordinator and throws the best parties!

Newly engaged Jonathon and Dana. (See the adorable Christmas proposal)

Q: Why the sunglasses indoors? A: Covering up the hangover from that afternoon. VEGAS!

It was awesome hanging out with a group of girls for a change.

Now let's introduce some unlimited alcohol.

Greg the waiter brings the first round of drinks.

I think Patron shots were the 3rd or 4th tray of drinks.

Ready for the AFTER pictures?

The boys get very friendly.

Sharing is caring.

Check out Alan's Patron Shot:

Karen and I pose for glamour shots.

Well, Alyssa does date a cop.

After dinner, the group of about 14 migrated several hotels down to O'Shea's where we gambled, drank some more, and just plain ol' had fun. Bryce was so out of his mind drunk, he was obnoxious and kept calling Alyssa "Alyson." She was not amused. At one point, I was talking to Dana and some random dude walked past her and kissed the back of her head. Then proceeded to stalk her around the casino. Somewhere around the 2am mark, my brother AKA DD, deciphered my drunk tests and finally found me. He was the only person sane enough to alert security to our creepy rapist-killer-stalker who promptly kicked him out. After another hour of sinfully cavorting with friends, Daniel guided me and Bryce the half mile trek back to the car.

Big D be Big Pimpin'

In bed by 4am and I only drunk texted a few select friends and family...and Facebook. No harm done!

Happy 25th birthday Alan! thanks for a wonderful time!!!

1 comment:

  1. You guys were soooo funny. The closing highlight was me paying the homeless guy, with your money of course, to sing a song about hoes.
