Monday, April 4, 2011

True Story

My job requires someone be available after normal business hours to meet customer demands so a cell phone is provided for such occasions and rotated among the employees every week. This weekend was my turn. I received a call from one of our largest customers only to discover I did not have the product he needed in my warehouse, but it was available through our other local branch. My dilemma: I found myself without their after hours phone number and unable to contact the on-call employee. This frustrated me to no end because I had this problem previously and instructed my CSR to program the other phone number into our emergency cell for this very reason.

Frantically, I left messages for the other Branch Manager, my TSM and another employee hoping someone could provide this elusive number. Typically, no one was responding on an early Saturday morning. As my customer's patience grew thin and temper flared, I desperately dialed a former colleague and friend. He obligingly assisted and was able to relay the cell number. I finally get hold of the on-call person and ensure he can open up and assist the customer.

Ready to rip into my CSR first thing Monday morning, I am fuming when I grab the flip phone to program the number. After, I slam the phone down only to discover:

Instead of programming the number into the phone, I find that it is taped to the back of the phone. So who's more dumb, the CSR confused by all this newfangled technology, or the Branch Manager so blond she doesn't even turn over the phone? Don't answer that. 

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