Thursday, October 7, 2010

When In Rome

Just watched When in Rome with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel.

I stayed home from work to run errands and clean the house, but while searching for something to watch during lunch, I decided upon this movie. It's a cheesy rom-com I wouldn't pay money to see in the theater, but now that it's free from Starz On Demand, Why not? I thought. It started off cheesy, but cute. It progressed to annoyingly predictable. There were way too many "poignant" moments set to bad music, I stopped counting. The one redeeming factor is if alcohol was involved, I could turn this into a decent drinking game-such as drink every time you want to groan at an over-the-top, over used, lame cliche. I suffered through the last 30 minutes because, let's face it, I'm a  trooper and I had already come this far. When this painful excuse for entertainment finally ended my only thought was....Damn! I wish I just spent the last 2 hours of my life filing papers, doing laundry, and taking out the trash.

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