The third and final installment in a wonderful trilogy by Jennifer Laurens. Absolution concludes Zoe's story experienced in Heavenly and Penitence (Read reviews here: Heavenly, Penitence).
While thoroughly predictable, the story is beautifully written and detracts from the inevitable. The character development is impressive considering how short the novel is (only 200 pages) and Ms. Laurens does a fantastic job of growing secondary characters, Krissy and Chase, as well.
Zoe mentally matures beyond her 18 years as she is thrust into an age-old battle of Good vs Evil. The world around her continues to crumble as Evil in the form of Matthias' father, Albert targets her and everyone she loves personally. Zoe spreads herself thin trying to save the souls of her friends and family through love, trust, and honesty. The premise continues to sound ridiculously cheesy and push the boundaries of preachy, but the series doesn't focus on religion and "God" is mentioned only once in passing. If an Atheist like me can enjoy these books, then surely Jennifer Laurens has done some amazing story-telling.
Even the bittersweet ending where Zoe must say goodbye to one of her loves, Matthias or Weston, leaves nothing to be desired. While Absolution is a powerful book, I was never moved to tears, like I half-expected from the content. Additionally, I didn't get the same goosebumps the first 2 books in the series produced. At least it's nowhere near the Harry Potter 2: Chamber of Secrets debacle. Seriously, wasn't that the worst movie/book in the whole series? A terribly boring sophomore release.
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